After being a successfull VKontakte social media administrator and content maker for a number of social pages dedicated to video games, I decided to try myself in writing articles and applied for a part-time gig at Igromania. This kicked off almost a year of active work together with Igromania, making publications, small and large.

At first I was given smaller less “important” topics, but as time went on I was tasked with more important materials, coming from clients such as Activision-Blizzard, 2K Games, Ubisoft and so on. I’ve been writing game reviews, guides, emotional reflections, performing translations and so on.

Perhaps most memorable moment was all-paid business trip to Rainbow Six: Invitational tournament in Montreal in 2019. I was tasked with taking interviews with developers from Ubisoft, capturing the early-access footage of new update to Rainbow Six: Siege game, writing reports and collecting assets. On the tournament itself I had an opportunity to take interviews with participating teams, Team Empire especially and see massive esports event from the inside.

Rainbow Six: Siege Invitational

Such an experience! Huge hugs to my man Denis Pavlushkin, thanks man!